I keep mentioning Hitchcock these days. One of his greatest films was 1948’s “Rope”, a retelling of the famous 1924 Leopold and Loeb murders where two young men killed someone just for the thrill of it. 1959’s “Compulsion” is about the same case. “Compulsion” feels like two films in one. The first half details the…
Check out the “Into the Shadows” Book Promotion
I’m taking part in a new book promotion that has a number of horror books available at Amazon. Click the link to see the goods! https://books.bookfunnel.com/intotheshadows/onn2n93q1y
Movie Review: The Substance
Yep, I finally saw it. The horror film of 2024. The gore-laden smash everyone is talking about. Here’s the thing with a movie like “The Substance.” You can’t just review it. While discussing the film, you need to opine about weighty topics like the nihilism of modern society, feminism, objectivity versus subjectivity and more. Every…
Movie Review: The Owners
There’s a frequent story setup that goes like this: A group of young hoodlums break into the home of affluent or in some way “soft” members of society, only to have the tables turned on them. It was used to great effect in 2016’s “Don’t Breathe”, featuring the under-acclaimed Stephen Lang as the blind antagonist. …
Movie Review: Abandoned
This was a weird one. I watched it, and didn’t really understand it, so I looked it up on one of those “explainer” web sites. That gave me the gist, it didn’t generate enough of a reaction in me to warrant reviewing it. But, I dunno… “Abandoned” kind of stuck with me. Days after I…
Review: Marnie
I’ve done a lot of these mini-reviews at this point, but I think Alfred Hitchcock’s 1964 thriller “Marnie” is the one I’ve had the hardest time judging. To be clear, I’ve been a huge fan of Hitch’s work since I was a kid. He’s probably the reason I write horror stories (though his oeuvre would…
Review: “KIller Workout”
It should be obvious I’m a sucker for shlocko-horror, particularly from the 70s and 80s. As such, when I stumbled across “Killer Workout” (also called “Aerobicide”), a 1987 slasher set in a fitness studio, it looked like an easy win. I hoped for cheeseball synth-wave dance tunes, wooden acting, gratuitous T&A, and a threadbare plot. And…
Review: AfrAId
There’s one thing you gotta understand about me: I’m willing to overlook a lot of plot holes and weak execution in a film if I like its overall premise. Or its use of snark. Or just the plain cut of its jib. As such, I disagree with the critics who panned the recently released to…
Mini-Review: Obsession
A few nights ago, I fired up Brian De Palma’s 1976 thriller “Obsession” on the old Amazon Prime. At the opening shot, I was struck by a thought. “I’ve seen this before.” And I had. Or at least I think so. At various points, an ethereal sense of déjà vu percolated, as did suspicions as…
Mini-Review: John Carpenter’s The Ward
A fertile concept for dramatic tension is a group of women locked together in some in environment. “Girl, Interrupted” (about a female psyche ward) is perhaps the most famous recent success with this premise, but I also think of director Lucky McKee’s “The Woods” (about a secluded girls school) or even the recent reviewed “The…
Mini-Review: Trap
Sigh… What do we do with M. Night Shyamalan? How should we assess his legacy? I was blown away by “The Sixth Sense” when it came out in 1999. The eerie mood and shocking twist seemed to indicate a filmmaker who would deliver decades of fantastic cinema. As a result, I tried to enjoy what…
Mini-Review: Gaslight
I was excited at the opportunity to see Gaslight, the gothic melodrama from which the term “gaslighting” is derived. Just so we’re all on the same page, let’s ask ChatGPT what the term means. (Surely AI would never lie!) “Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where one person or group deliberately makes someone question…
Mini-review: “Tarot”
There are certain movies I watch expecting to hate. I click the play button with part of my psyche screaming, “why are you doing this? You know it’s going to be a hot mess of bad acting and insipid plot devices. Stop. STOP!” Yet I never stop. “Tarot” was one of these movies. But here’s…
Mini-review: The House on Sorority Row
Maybe there’s something seriously wrong with me, but I really enjoyed this movie. It’s another one of those early eighties high school/college horror schlockfests, similar to “Prom Night” or “The Prowler.” The girls of a sorority house do something bad and are subsequently stalked and slaughtered by a cane wielding maniac. I like horror with…
So I have a love/hate thing with Wes Craven. I think “Nightmare on Elm Street” is the greatest horror film ever made and maybe one of the greatest conceits in horror. I also liked Craven’s “Last House on the Left.” But he’s been involved with some real stinkers: “Red Eye”, “They”, and as I have…