It should be obvious I’m a sucker for shlocko-horror, particularly from the 70s and 80s. As such, when I stumbled across “Killer Workout” (also called “Aerobicide”), a 1987 slasher set in a fitness studio, it looked like an easy win. I hoped for cheeseball synth-wave dance tunes, wooden acting, gratuitous T&A, and a threadbare plot.
And boy, did “Killer Workout” deliver. (In particular, it’s loaded with deliciously corny aerobics music, often played while the camera leers at attractive women exercising.)
It delivered too well, it turned out. Perhaps I’m finally maturing into an adult (at 53) but I was bored about halfway into the film and turned it off.
But, even when I don’t finish a film, I like to do a little research on it. I did so here and came across a Reddit commenter who claimed the movie had a twist ending almost as good as “Sleepaway Camp.” (If you’ve even seen that film, you know that is high praise.)
That nagged at me, so I’ll be gol-durned if I didn’t watch the rest of the movie the next day.
Did “Killer Workout” have a great twist ending? Not really. There’s a plot twist somewhere at the 65% mark that’s not bad but not breathtaking.
The gist: At the beginning a woman is killed by a suntan bed. We then jump forward several years to the fitness studio where the murders will take place. It’s populated by the predictable bimbos and himbos who will provide fodder for a killer who uses one of those giant safety pin things to essentially poke people to death.
Maybe the funniest thing about the film is that after the first six or so murders, the studio is still active and people are coming to classes. (Some people are really dedicated to exercise. Or should I say “dead-icated”? HAWHAWHAW!)
The murder scenes are pretty tame. A lot of directors in the eighties seemed to think stabbing someone once in the belly would instantly kill them.
That said, I’m glad I came back for the rest. If you’re in the right mood for it (heavy drinking would help), “Killer Workout” is worth watching.