Mini-review: “NIght of the Living Deb”

Here’s the thing: it’s tough to mix horror and comedy. The two modes are so opposed that you really have to lean into one over the other. When I think of films in this hybrid genre that succeeded, I think of “House” and “Homebound” (mostly humor), or “Return of the Living Dead” and “The Reanimator” (mostly horror). 2004’s “Shaun of the Dead” lords above all, as it ably switched between the ghastly and the goofy.

How fares 2015’s “Night of the Living Deb”?

Eh, not so great.

It’s not a bad film, this little story following the adventures of twenty-something Deb (short for Deborah), who finds herself in the early days of a zombie apocalypse. She joins a band of survivors and they struggle to make their way to a safe zone without being chomped on or turning into flesh feasters themselves. And for much of this, they are cracking jokes or engaging in physical comedy.

I said horror/comedies need to choose their lane and “Night of the Living Deb” veers into comedy. It definitely got some out loud laughs out of me, but a lot of the humor fell flat. The comic timing of the actors wasn’t there, or the direction sucked, or … something. If anything, it just made me want to rewatch “Shaun of the Dead.”

Best line of the movie: “Dude, why are you eating a foot?”

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